Lean Product and Process Development

Lean Product and Process Development (LPPD) has been described as the second Toyota paradox. The first paradox was the Toyota Production System that revolutionized Lean Manufacturing. LPPD was the second paradox that demonstrated Toyota could introduce award-winning products in half the time with fewer resources. Originally expanded to the automotive industry, LPPD is now applied in appliances, 机器人, 医疗设备, 航空, 土方, 医院, and a growing number of industries where leading companies are applying Lean Systems.

The LPPD Certificate is for working professionals in Lean Enterprises, who need applied education in Lean Product and Process Development. The LPPD Certificate is an educational program and Kettering transcript credential. Unlike innovation seminars, 短期课程, MOOCs, 或者在线教育, this is a university certificate program that is delivered in a learner-paced, 面向应用的, 教师-engaged learning environment.

The courses include Technology Management, Project Management and Lean Operations Management.

好处 to students include:
  • 职业发展 credentials to demonstrate capabilities for greater responsibilities and opportunities
  • 应用程序的经验 that focus course knowledge content on practice of course principles, preferably with applications in the student’s work domain
  • 生活事件 to complement on-demand instruction with experiences to engage learners with peers, 教师, and subject matter experts
  • 易用性 as implemented in a clearly structured learning management system structured from learning module to content topic to short course to full course to certificate completion
  • 教师参与 with daily monitoring of student progress, feedback, assessment, and mentoring support
好处 to employers include:
  • 技能水平 to elevate employee knowledge to an enterprise-wide understanding and practice of Lean Product and Process Development
  • 成本效益 with all instructional development and program operations delivered by 澳门最大十大赌网app with no overhead or maintenance expenses to the employer
  • Subject Matter Expertise available on-demand from instructors with decades of work and teaching experience in the topics of the program
  • 教学的灵活性 to accommodate changing demands of employee assignments
  • Kettering is one of few educational opportunities in LPPD worldwide, and provides a college transcript credential delivered by subject matter experts with deep experience in lean product and process development.